Players in Eminence can use the Scribe System to...

  1. !scribe **language** LANGUAGE_NAME defines the language you intend to write in. Be advised that once you already set a title/content, you cannot change the language unless you reset your quill. You can skip this step if you don’t wish to have your text translated to a different language.
  2. !scribe title TEXT sets the title of your letter or book.
  3. !scribe content TEXT sets the content of your letter or book. Add # to start a new line or ## to start a new paragraph.
  4. !scribe append TEXT appends (adds) text to the existing content on your letter or book. Add # to start a new line or ## to start a new paragraph.
  5. When done writing, use your quill to target one or more blank sheets of paper, or blank books, to write. Each writing requires one charge from your inkwell.
  6. Use !scribe **finish** to mark all the targets you selected until that time with your quill as finished. This means that all scribed items will not be overwritten. It will also reset your quill for the next time you want to use it. This is an IMPORTANT step.
  7. !scribe reset to reset all the settings on your quill.