
Unique Systems & Features

Character Creation Options

Eminence Reward System

Unique Races, Classes, Feats, and Skills

Hunger, Thirst, Fatigue (HTF)

Crafting System

Death System

Scribe System

Language System

Hamlets and Consortiums

Building and Build Requests

Persistent Burial System

Subdual Combat System

Magic in Haze

Client Commands


Help is the most useful command in-game because it always contains the latest information. If you're still lost, you can always use **!help aid** to speak with other players who are willing to help you out!


Allows the player to toggle between the different modes in theSubdual Combat System.


Allows the player to speak in different languages without using the widget. Your character must know the language.


Displays current HTF gauge.


Allows the player to change the character's description, append lines to existing ones, or reset to original.

!desc reset Resets a description back to its original state

!desc new **TEXT** Replaces your entire description with **TEXT**

!desc append TEXT Appends (adds) a new line at the end of the existing description

# will start a new line

## will start a new paragraph