Welcome to The Immeasurable Lands! Thanks for your interest in playing. We’re playing a slightly modified version of 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons that places an emphasis on Old-School Revival (OSR) themes, such as resource management, strategy, and player skill (over character skill).

Interested in playing?

Our character creation is unique. You should know that all official rolls must be made in either #die-is-cast (channel on our Discord server) or in-person. Interested? Follow these steps:

  1. Equipment and money is first. This is a trope borrowed from games like MORK BORG. Roll 3d20+2 gp. How much money you have may influence what class you select (or maybe it doesn’t). But it will obviously impact your purchasing power. Select your gear now before moving forward.

  2. Roll Stats. Roll 3d6 eight times and remove the 2 lowest scores. You can type !rollstats in #die-is-cast (channel on our Discord server).

  3. Quick Note on Death Saves:

    1. We don’t use them. Upon reaching 0 hp, a PC immediately incurs a dire wound and becomes incapacitated. Each subsequent round of incapacitation requires a CON check (roll under CON score on a d20) to avoid another dire wound.
    2. Successful CON checks (rolling above CON score) stabilize the PC, restoring them to 1 hp upon subsequent successful Heal saves (typically DC 12) or through healing magic.
    3. A PC can sustain up to 6 dire wounds before death. Upon accumulating 7 dire wounds, the character perishes permanently.
  4. Select Race, Class, and other features, as usual.

  5. Quick Note on Light: 1st Edition AD&D rules regarding lighting and vision, with slight modifications:

    1. Infravision (60’):
      • PC Races: Dragonborn, Dwarves, Gnomes
      • Explanation: These races possess Infravision, allowing them to detect heat signatures in darkness or low-light conditions up to 60’ away.
      • Navigation: In cave tunnels, characters with infravision can navigate by detecting temperature differences, potentially indicating geothermal activity, other geological features, or magic.
    2. Darkvision (30’):
      • PC Races: Tieflings, Orcs, Goblins, etc.
      • Explanation: Monstrous races possess Darkvision, enabling them to see in darkness as if it were dim light.
      • Navigation: Darkvision allows perfect visibility up to 30’, akin to daylight.
    3. Low-light Vision (3x):
      • PC Races: Elves, Half-Elves, Halflings
      • Explanation: Low-light Vision triples the distance at which these races can see in light sources.
      • Navigation: The presence of any light source is extended by three times for these races.
  6. Health Points. Roll HD for hp. Yes, that’s right. You might end up with 1 hp.

  7. Luck and Doom mechanics. How lucky are you *right now*? Roll a d6.

    1. Luck Explanation: If you fail a save or roll, you can use luck to roll again and settle with the highest result, or choose to challenge a DM ruling, though this incurs a cost of Doom. Need more luck? Take risks and scrape by narrowly.
    2. Doom Explanation: Acquired by burning Luck or in dire situations, doom empowers the DM to unleash something terrible; to alleviate doom, inquire about its removal.
  8. Other Considerations.

    1. Gold equals XP: Exchange 1 gp for 1 XP in town; consider saving gold for future characters as “inheritance.” Note: all characters start at level 1 upon the current PC's death.
    2. Unwanted Attention: Circumstances such as carrying large sums of wealth, casting magic, or encountering certain individuals can attract unwanted attention, triggering an event or encounter. Magical Obfuscation: Roll d20 (vs. DC 14 + Spell Level) to have the spell cast in a manner that doesn’t draw attention.
    3. Magic: Ritual-cast spells can never be obfuscated. Moreover, they spells that are ritual-cast immediately gather Unwanted Attention. More about Magic: Magic in Korath
  9. When creating a character in Korath, you have several options for your divine patron:

    1. One of the Five Saints or Haeles: Each saint represents different aspects and values, influencing your character's beliefs and role in society.
    2. An Unknown or Forgotten God: Work with your DM to create a unique deity.
    3. A Spirit or Esoteric Divine Power: Choose an ancestor, animal spirit, or any other divine vestige that fits your character's background.

    <aside> 💡 NOTE: Magic is part of the culture but originates from the gems in Brim, not the gods. Choose a saint or divine power that aligns with your character's values and background for a deeper connection to Korathian religion.


Religions of Korath

Religion in Korath was diverse and complex, rooted in ancient traditions and shaped by the Great Cataclysm. The gods were mostly silent, forgotten, or ignored, and instead, countless divine vestiges, including ancestors, animal spirits, saints, earth formations, philosophies, prophets, and elements, were worshipped. Magic played an integral part in Korathian beliefs, but it didn't come from deities. Instead, it originated from enormous gems in the towers of Brim.